About The Adventures of Bubsie and Lib

This blog will tell the adventures of my mom and I was we navigate the rocky waters of memory loss. Especially when we spring her from her confinement in a residential home for ladies with dementia and move her out into the world she loves. For as long as we both shall love and have the strength!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bubsie Is On Her Biggest Adventure

Saturday night my mom Bubsie, Barbara Thompson Baker Embarked on her biggest adventure. She went Home to be with Jesus! This is one trip she had to make without me, because it's not my journey to make right now. I'm happy for her. I'm sad for me. For all she leaves behind. Her four children, of which I am the eldest, are left floundering without her sweet face to hold and her dear voice to hear and her wonderful laughter to make happen once again. We are left Happy/Sad. Happy because for many years Mom has said she was married to Jesus. That He was her husband, now that she and Dad were no longer married. And she is finally united with The Love of her life. Sad because she will be sorely missed by us and by all her life touched for all the rest of our days. Love you Mom, see you!