About The Adventures of Bubsie and Lib

This blog will tell the adventures of my mom and I was we navigate the rocky waters of memory loss. Especially when we spring her from her confinement in a residential home for ladies with dementia and move her out into the world she loves. For as long as we both shall love and have the strength!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mom's 81st Birthday And A Turn In The Road

My beautiful, wonderful, intelligent mom turned 81 two days ago. Unfortunately, she did it in a wheelchair barely able to speak, unable to walk. Two nights earlier she'd had some pain in the night. Maybe she fell, but how could she without anyone knowing and get up by herself? Was it a stroke? They don't think so. Perhaps it is just another step in her illness, a sudden decline rather than a gradual descent into immobility and inability to communicate. She's still trying though! Smiling and trying to make herself heard. Focus on her speech and force it out! Even talk on the phone with me a bit when I am not there. What a trooper. All I know is that I will miss her so much. Miss our long talks on the phone. Sometimes we talked for an hour. They got the residents their own line sometime after mom moved in. I liked to think we were responsible for it! :) What a beautiful mind and sense of humor. She is still there. That is the main thing. For how long I do not know. She still knows me and wants to talk with me and loves to hear me read to her and to especially tell her of our adventures! And my adventures out in the big world she loves so much. So, unless there's a change, my role will shift. Instead of living to be busted out of her confinement to explore the big wide world with me, I will bring the great big world to her!

Here is a picture of us taken at her birthday party:


  1. Libby, I am touched by your post today. Your love for your mom is so evident and heartfelt!
    My mom turns 83 this year and while she is in good health I often wonder how I would handle something like this. She lives out of the country and I have not seen her in 5yrs, but do talk to her every 2 days or so...and like you; our conversations are over 1 hour at the time.
    Those hours spend on the phone with her are precious and priceless moments for me.

    Libby, what a beautiful way to honor your mom by writing this heartfelt posts about her journey enduring this illness and at the same time documenting your days with her. You are fortunate to be close to her, and sometimes no words are needed to sit quietly next to her and hold her hand, feeling her warmth and the love only a mother can give.

    Capture every single moment and hold those moments close to your heart! they will live for ever.


  2. Jeanette, I am validated and blessed by your comments. They mean so much to me! I'm sorry you live so far from your mom. I am so glad for you that you have phone calls to treasure. I can't see my mom daily so I too was counting so much on our daily talks. I knew they wouldn't last forever, but I am left with an ache in my heart. As you say, I will hold each moment of our times together close to my heart. My memories will last forever and I will continue this blog as long as I can. To honor her.
    Love and hugs,
