About The Adventures of Bubsie and Lib

This blog will tell the adventures of my mom and I was we navigate the rocky waters of memory loss. Especially when we spring her from her confinement in a residential home for ladies with dementia and move her out into the world she loves. For as long as we both shall love and have the strength!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Mom is Back!

Here is my mom and the four of us when she was in her 30's. I'm posting it because she is doing so well right now! And to think she's 81 and had a stroke or something in March! She is walking with a walker...and great at it. Her memory is as one would expect for someone who has had dementia for a while. Short term is very difficult for her. Our job is to make her present and beautiful as possible because that is where she lives. She and I had an outing last weekend and she asked me to write about it, which reminded me to write on our blog.

We went for a drive around some of the city lakes by her house: Lake Harriet and Lake Calhoun. Lake Harriet especially is so nostalgic. It's a stones throw from where I grew up. Such a beautiful day with a blue sky and white clouds. The water was so blue and there were sailboats on the lake! Mom and I stopped and parked and watched the sailboats and talked. We talked about God and our love for each other and gave thanks for Him. His goodness has permeated both of our lives. We are best friends, mother and daughter and also sisters in Christ! With my High School reunion the weekend before and that I my mind we spoke of the greatest reunion of all: Heaven. We talked about how fun it will be to spend eternity together...endless time for worship and fabulous conversations! Reunited with all old friends and family!

She thought it was smart of me to call Heaven the Grand Reunion. She is my biggest fan. I was raised by the praise method: constant uplifting reinforcement of her love for me and praise for good steps taken and accomplishments in life. What a treasure she is and a blessing to me! I will miss her so for the short time it will be between losing her and the Grand Reunion! Love you my dear mom! Libby


  1. Libby,
    How awesome is this?!!!!! What a wonderful gift God has given you...these days with your mom! I'm jealous! Not really...just so happy for you! Thank you for sharing this. It made me cry happy tears!!!
    Love you,

  2. Oh Lib, how I still can not wait to meet your beautiful Mother!!!!

  3. Thank you Erin and Mare for your comments. My mom and my relationship is a wonderful gift from the Lord, I know! And so are my friendships with you. Thank you for being there! Love you! Libby

  4. The last photo of you and your mother took my breath away. So beautiful.
